Thursday, September 4, 2008

'alles om te breien'

That's the slogan of my favorite knitting shop. 'Everything for knitting.' They really do have a lot. A diverse selection of quality yarn in a good range of prices, good needles (Addi!), cheap shipping, and Hanne Falkenberg knitting kits. Ooh, I want one of those! My last order from them consisted of some Katia Nepal, Dalegarn Baby Ull, and a couple more Addi circulars to add to my collection. I can't get enough of those needles. They're just perfect.

Anyway, this Baby Ull is the best yarn I've ever knit. It's unbelievably soft, comes in somewhere around 40 colors (or is it more?), and is machine washable. Yes - machine washable, 100% merino. I bought some for a baby dress, and a few assorted skeins for various accessories. It's perfect for anything you could want to knit. Lightweight and soft, it's great on delicate baby skin. A grown-up fair isle sweater a la Debbie Bliss would be gorgeous. I can totally picture delicate lacy summer tops in it. It would make the most amazing socks that you'd never want to take off. You could knit the softest, lightest winter accessories (gloves! Must knit gloves!). On and on the list goes. I never want to knit anything else. Oh yes, the other awesome part - the price. Under 4 euros a skein. Unreal. I spent less than 20 euros for the yarn for this little dress. Can't wait to get started on it - knitting a gauge swatch right now.

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